Your Fairy Godmother of Labor & Birth

No matter where the process of birth takes you, from the hardest moments to the most joyful celebrations, Doula Peachy is your family's guide, coach, and champion  along the way to parenthood.

Let's Connect

Granting you the best possible birth experience and beyond.


I’m passionate about helping parents navigate the overwhelming joy that is parenthood. From prenatal consultations to labor & delivery to postpartum support, think of me as your sidekick in the birth journey.

From day to night care.
 *Guidance and resources to be prepared for the 4th trimester


Here to support, educate and encourage you with compassionate care during this momentous time 


From your prenatal consultation to labor and delivery to postpartum support, I am your fellow mama mentor, personal champion and sidekick in your birth journey.


Doula Services

Love Notes From Parents

I am so happy that we had Peachy as our doula for the birth of our son! I really appreciated that Peachy checked on me multiple times prior to going into labor to see how I was doing and feeling. It was really nice to already feel supported by her before I even started the labor process.

Throughout my whole labor Peachy was extremely supportive, quick to respond to my needs, and very involved. During labor I was doing lunges around the pool in the middle of the night, hugging the back of the toilet, showering, lying in bed in every position I could think of, squatting, you name it, I was doing it, and Peachy was right there with me the whole time. I had to have squeezed her hand at least 100 times during contractions. After many hours of labor, I was really having a hard time feeling confident in myself and in my ability to continue, but Peachy’s positive reinforcement helped me keep going. She gave me a lot of encouragement when I really needed it! I believe I was able to make it as long as I did, which was almost two days of labor, because of her. It was very apparent to me that she loves being a doula, and she made our whole birthing experience better with both her physical and emotional support. 

 Overall, I am so thankful that Peachy was there for both me and my partner. I love that my birth journey included Peachy, and I will forever be appreciative and feel connected to her because of how wonderful she is; not only as a person, but as a doula as well.

- LiSA G.

I am forever connected to Peachy because of how wonderful she is not only as a person, but as a doula as well.

I knew going into the birth of our son, the experience would be powerful. I didn't realize how powerful it was going to be. At my old gym, there was a quote on the wall from Mike Tyson - "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". 

Well, seeing the love of my life in labor hit me hard. Every contraction she had hurt me, too. It's something no one talks about. We had a long two day labor, so by the end, I was exhausted.

I am so thankful that Peachy was our Doula. She helped Lisa and me get through our son's birth. She was our strength when we needed it. She was a crutch when we needed support (literally). She walked laps with us around our pool at 3 AM while Lisa had contractions. She was always there to help us through. And, when we needed privacy, she was the first one to clear the room.

For the soon-to-be Dads out there, if you are on the fence about whether or not you need a doula, just remember - whatever you think your plan is, it probably won't go exactly that way. And when the plan changes or when you are a day in with no sleep and no food, support is invaluable. Get the support and make sure you get the best quality support.

Peachy is, no doubt, the best quality support out there. I am so grateful that she was a part of our birth experience. It was a time I will never forget and I would not change a thing about how we went about it.

- Mike

Peachy was our strength when we needed it.
She was a crutch when we needed support.